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A child or young person may inform you directly that he or she is concerned about someone’s behaviour towards them or you  may become aware, through your own observations or through a third party, of possible abuse occurring.

There are five ways to report a concern:

  1. To your Club Welfare Officer –

  2. Contact Derbyshire FA's Designated Safeguarding Officer, Jenny Blewitt, at or 07507 427548.

  3. By emailing The FA Safeguarding Team at or by calling and asking for the team on 0800 169 1863;

  4. If urgent and you cannot contact your club, league or County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer, you should call the NSPCC 24 hour helpline on 0808 800 5000;

  5. If it is an emergency because a child or children are at immediate risk, then call the Police or Children’s Social Care in your area.

Any adult or young person with concerns about a colleague’s conduct towards a child or young person can also use whistle-blowing by calling 0800 169 1863 and asking for The FA’s safeguarding team, or via email to


As a club we adhere to the Respect Codes of Conduct set out by The FA; these and all our other policies are set out below in these 3 attachments.


New Mills Juniors Club

Complaints Procedure and

Anti Bullying Policy

Safeguarding Children Policy



FA Football Leadership

Diversity Code NMJFC




FA Equality Policy NMJFC




A Respect Code of Conduct NMJFC


















Welfare Officer







Reviewed date: Sept 2024

Date: 1st September 2023

Signed: Mark Newman (Welfare Officer NMJFC)

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