The best display of the season so far from our ever improving U8 Mini-Millers!
Missing 3 players brought the very best out of the kids available.
Last week was Glossop NE Oranges, our kids were incredible. This week was Glossop Reds & our kids were even better than last week!
The mid-week training at Glossop is paying off and maybe it is possible we are acclimatising to the cold & rain. Whatever it is, it’s working! The team have improved unrecognisably in this time.
Mad-Man-Max ⚽️⚽️⚽️ is leading the march and god only knows what this boy had for breakfast! Max was on fire and took the game by the scruff-of the-neck. We’ve practiced playing it out from the back and Max had space everywhere…… but the way he took his opportunities to shoot, is a credit to the baller he is becoming. Next to him is Teddy and these boys are developing a relationship in defence. Teddy’s communication & organisation on the pitch was impressing the coaches in particular.
Reuben doesn’t get enough praise! This lad has taken the GK position seriously and in training and the games he is becoming absolutely marvellous! Reuben mad a save in training this week that was up there with Gordon Banks V Pele material! Jude was Pele!
Harrison ⚽️ is our new star. This boy just doesn’t give up . . . . EVER! Hazza is setting up the attacks and has now scored in in 4 out of 5 games!
Ryan has taken a key role in the team and is listening & learning every week. He has a wand of a left-foot and now he is getting his head-up and shooting. More importantly, he is squaring the ball & finding his team-mates. Brilliant!
The biggest praise has to got to Mia who has settled into the team incredibly and has a real football brain. Some of her passing is unbelievable and that goal is definitely just around the corner!
Aiden is also getting more time & progressing in his football journey. Every week getting better & better and doing it all with the biggest smile on his face!
Keep up the hard graft Mini-Millers – You’re in tremendous form and your parents are thoroughly enjoying watching you improve!
POTM went to Max 🏆 who doesn’t always listen but seems to always make the right decisions! Our hat-trick hero 💥